3-5 years
Jeffrey has now learned how to change himself and his daily routine. He still cant match his cloths so i have to him help him in that. We are still eating three times a day. He is no longer leaving a big mess after he eats, thank goodness, and he is starting to learn how to use a spoon and fork.

He started preschool already and I was so sad. I think that i was probably more sad than he was. I didn't want to let him go so easily but he had to go. He has learned many new things and i am glad that he is getting smarter and smarter each day.

One thing that i have noticed is that Jeffrey has developed a new favorite word: why? He has been saying that word nonstop around the house for days and days and days. He has developed a sense of curiosity and he wants to explore and know why the things are the way they are.

This is very important because he is in the Initiative vs. Guilt stage of his life and exploring and asking questions are very important because they learn to initiate tasks and carry out plans. In the future this would lead to a sense of purpose. If they fail in this stage in would lead to them feeling guilty about efforts to be independent.